

If you require an operation, Miss Ali will explain all aspects of the surgery including the procedure, common complications and after care. 
You will have plenty of time to ask questions and plan the timing of the procedure with close liaison with the secretary. Miss Ali will follow you up after the procedure, and send a discharge letter to your GP. 
You will be billed directly via your insurers. Self-pay patients will be provided with pricing on request via my secretary. 

Common ENT surgeries performed:

  • Grommet insertion 
  • Septoplasty 
  • Functional nasal surgery 
  • Nasal polyps 
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Microscopic surgery of the vocal cords 
  • Surgery of the larynx for cancer 
  • Thyroglossal Duct Surgery 
  • Thyroidectomy 
  • Head and neck cancer surgery